The Wiggle Room, a local indoor play space, is generously hosting a fundraiser for us on Sunday, July 28, 2019. We’ve already raised enough to purchase a new car play structure, and next we will purchase a new playhouse. These structures will mean no more splintery old play equipment in the toddler area of Wilshire Park’s playground, and lots of room for the imagination in one of Portland’s best parks for small children. You can donate right now, and there are also other ways to help!
With every paid child’s admission (no charge for adults) you will receive one raffle ticket for a chance to win a gift card donated by a local business. You could win a gift card to Laurelwood Brewpub, New Seasons Market, or Just 4 Kids Clothing, or even win 4 VIP passes to House Spirits Distillery! Attendees can enjoy the Wiggle Room’s snacks and drinks while the children have fun. Half of the Wiggle Room’s profits from the day will be donated to our cause.
A silent auction will be conducted throughout the day with written bids. Items include VIP tickets to a concert by the Portland Symphonic Choir, a month’s physical training from Fit4Mom Cedar Mill, gifts from Gazelle Natural Fibre Clothing, a selection of books by local authors, one month’s music lessons from Keys to Life Music, VIP passes to House Spirits Distillery, and lovely handmade items by artisans from our neighborhood.
Entertainment Schedule (subject to change)
All day – free face painting
10:00 – Ukulele sing-a-long
12:00 – Story time
2:00 – Ukulele sing-a-long
4:00 – Story time