Friends of Wilshire Park wish to express their heartfelt gratitude to the following organizations for their generous support of our current and past projects.
Water Fountain for the Dog Park | Bringing water to thirsty dogs. ONGOING Current sponsors and contributors include:
Green Dog Pet Supply
Wild Pet Provisions
Angels Donuts
Steeple Jack
Interested in becoming a sponsor or contributor? Contact Gary Hancock| or Mary Roney |
Children’s Play Equipment | Bringing joy and activity to the playground. COMPLETED!
The Central Northeast Neighbors Coalition
The Wiggle Room
Laurelwood Brewing Company
Just 4 Kids
The Portland Symphonic Choir
Fit4Mom Cedar Mill
Gazelle Natural Fibre Clothing
New Seasons Market
Keys to Life Music
Westward Whiskey
NatureSpace | Making the hopes a reality for our neighborhood park. COMPLETED!
Backyard Birdshop
Beaumont-Wilshire Neighborhood Association
Morel Ink
Portland Parks and Recreation
Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods
Beaumont Business Association
Alameda Neighborhood Association
The V Shop
Friends of Wilshire Park wish to express their heartfelt gratitude to the following organizations for their support of our projects.