The next meeting of Friends of Wilshire Park will take place on Wednesday, September 19, 2018, at 7:00 pm at Bethany Lutheran Church, which is located at 4330 NE 37th Avenue, just at the northeast corner of Wilshire Park.
We’ll be discussing the planting schedule for the new NatureSpace as well as discussing how to organize our growing list of volunteers. We’ll also set a date for repainting the lettering on the signposts around the dog park and repairing the hutch that holds dog waste bags.
This meeting will be very important for anyone interested in improving the children’s play area. Portland Parks and Recreation has come up with some bond money to replace one piece of the toddler equipment, but there are no funds to replace the remainder of the pieces, so it’s up to us to get the job done. We’ll be discussing fundraising efforts, setting a time frame for our efforts, and going over our range of options. Any Friends with experience in grant writing, fundraising, or just a passion for the idea that little children need good outdoor places to play is invited to join in the discussion.